Wednesday 23 April 2008

A complaint free world

A while ago I came across a website that touched me personally. I know complaining as something I have done too much of myself and I have heard too much of around me growing up and in my family.
I now know that complaining changes nothing and does not help anybody, besides spoiling everybody's mood.

So it was a breath of fresh air to find out about 'A complaint Free world'

And of course I want to share it with you all.

What would our world be like without complaining?

Ask yourself: what would my life be like if I wasn't complaining?

And would you be able to get trough 21 days without complaining?

The idea is to wear a (purple) bracelet around your wrist and each time you catch yourself complaining you move the bracelet to the other wrist. The challenge is to wear the bracelet on the same wrist without needing to move it for 21 days!!!

By the way, in meditation and in therapy, to break any habit or to relearn a new habit, 21 days is always used as a minimum time to create the change.

A wonderful challenge that can change your life and than can be a life changing 'therapy' or healing. And so simple and inexpensive.

If need be you can even make your own 'complaintfree bracelet'.

But when you can support the project 'A complaint free world', please do !!

So here's to a great idea, go to:

Get your own bracelet and do it: become a 'Complaint free champion!!!'

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