Monday, 14 April 2008

This is just a beginning

Finally I have opened my goodnews blog, that is good news in itself.

This is just a beginning, my own website will be next.

It is something that has been clear to me for many years: bad news and gossip gets much more attention in modern society than positive and good news. As if the beauty and the good for some reason or other is just not so interesting. At least it does not seem to hold people's attention for very long. Look at the daily news on TV and you'll come to the same conclusion. Good news is shunned as if it's a disease, giving people the impression that there is no good news.
What is it in people that makes them excited about misery, especially other people's misery? It is as if it gives most of us energy. Or it makes us feel better, because it is not our own misery.
i am convinced that there is as much good on the planet happening as there is bad, except the good does not get as much attention.

I am making it part of my personal mission to give extra attention and to report about the good news on this planet.

I am also going to use this blog to elaborate a bit more on my own good news. This wil come under the caption 'Personal good news' and will also hold some of the activities I offer.

Last year I made a very important decision, to stop working in a job that did not make me happy. i was working as a Creative Therapist/ Occupational Therapist in a Psychiatric hospital with teenagers. I loved working with the teenagers, but i really did not feel good working in a way that I felt could not support the way I see 'real' treatment.
And I still have the dream to do my own thing, to create my work, my own way of doing things.

Eventhough I am very happy about that decision and it has definitely made me feel much better about myself, it is also a challenge. It is my dream to work for myself, to have my own business and to be my own boss. Since i did not grow up in a family where 'having your own business' is the thing to do, it is not something I learned from home. Both my parents worked for the same government company (telephone company) their whole life.

So I find that i still need to learn certain skills and have certain fears and insecurities to overcome. The good news is that there is lots online, that there are lots of places and people offering courses and ebooks, articles, as well as friends who do have their own business and that have offered me theri support.

Here in my blog I will also give links to places on the www where I have found interesting, beautiful, and helpful sites and people..

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